Equity Statement
Evicting Bias:
Potential is universal.
Opportunity is not.
Equity is a core value at Hudson River Housing. We believe in promoting a culture that de-centers bias, celebrates difference, enhances equitable communication, and nurtures relationship building. As a nonprofit, HRH acknowledges that philanthropy itself is often a product of systematic socio-economic inequalities. We strive to stand in solidarity with our community, acknowledging long standing racial disparities and the need for communities to come together. Our goal is to center vision, leadership, and strategy around advancing opportunity and engaging in equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Discrimination and housing are linked throughout U.S. history, and have deprived people of color access to housing and wealth creation. This discrimination persists despite passage of fair housing laws decades ago. We are committed to confronting this history by building and operating equitable affordable housing that reduces further displacement, and providing services with integrity and dignity. It is our philosophy that a person’s well being and access to opportunity is not to be determined by race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, physical ability, class, or any other defining factor. We believe that all people should live in healthy, safe communities, participate in the decisions that affect their lives, and share in their community’s prosperity.
In order to create change, we will confront and challenge our own personal biases, meet people where they are, and hold each other accountable. We will fully represent the diversity and breadth of the community through our people, programs, values and priorities. We will empower and amplify a broad range of voices and strengthen leaders who reflect the full diversity of Hudson River Housing’s demographics. We will engage under-represented communities as we make decisions and take action, while understanding history and considering how bias and oppression impact individuals, institutions, and systems. Communities, when guided by a rich diversity of experience and wisdom, are strong and resilient. We are committed to creating conditions that eliminate bias, build opportunity, and enable everyone to reach their full potential.