We accept donations in any amount, at any time. All contributions are valued and help us sustain our services and important work. Consider supporting some of our most urgent needs by making a donation to:
Donate Supplies
Our shelter and transitional housing programs are in frequent need of supplies found on our Wish List. Please contact us for information on how to make a donation.
New non-expired items only please. Items not on the below Wish List will not be accepted at this time. Thank you for your understanding!
Become an Annual Sponsor
We invite you to become a part of the difference Hudson River Housing is making in our community each day by becoming an Annual Sponsor. Annual Sponsorships offer prominent, year-long recognition and benefits. Becoming an Annual Sponsor will place you at the forefront of Hudson River Housing’s community of supporters.
Sponsor an Event
Throughout the year we hold fundraising events to raise awareness and much needed funds for our important work and the people we serve. Consider sponsoring one of these events to help amplify our message and contribute to the success of the community coming together to work towards solutions towards ending homelessness.
For more information about upcoming opportunities, please email